Friday, August 26, 2011

Ear Piercing at Spa Scotta

I love to pierce ears.  I was asked by a client awhile ago if we pierced ears at Spa Scotta, which set me on the hunt for the perfect ear piercing system.  I chose the Inverness unit for a couple of reasons:
  • Fully Enclosed Capsules
The fully enclosed earring capsules guarantee the safest ear piercing possible. It guards against contamination prior to piercing. You will not see an exposed post before the piercing for safety and sterility.
  • Safety Clutch™ Earring Backs
Inverness Safety Clutch™ earring backs allow for the safest healing of an ear piercing. The earring back shields the sharp pointed earring tip and provides proper healing without allowing the earring back to be squeezed too close to the ear. This greatly enhances the healing process by allowing proper air flow.

It's fast and safe.  First, the client chooses the earring style they want.  Next, I wipe the ear lobes with alcohol and use a surgical pen to mark the spots where the earrings will be placed. We look at the spacing and confirm the position.  Finally, I load the device with the sterile earring compartment and pierce the ear.  The actual piercing takes a split second. 

I have pierced both adults and children and I have to say I love my young ladies.  They are so stoic when picking out their earrings, earnest while listening to the aftercare instructions and ecstatic when the piercing is complete.  They make my job such a joy, I think I get as excited as they do when they see the final result.