Saturday, May 9, 2009


The “economy” has our collective knickers in a twist these days. I was recently talking to my best Vegas buddy (and Aunt) Mary Sue about financial decisions we had made in the past months and we started in on the usual should haves, would haves, could haves that inevitably come up in these conversations. It suddenly hit me with perfect clarity (an Aha! Moment if you will), that I had made the best decisions I could at the time with the best information I had at the time and regrets were simply misplaced. If I had a Magic 8 ball, maybe I would have made different decisions but alas, I don’t and I didn’t. I’m not saying that I don’t learn from past decisions or that future plans aren’t influenced by the results of past events but I try to avoid beating myself up when things don’t go according to my plans. If I whipped my own ass every time I made a decision that went astray, I’d be more worked over than Mickey Rourke. That can’t be a good look for me.


Carebear said...

Oh, such a wise woman you are (and a wise-ass too if I might add.) We've made some poor financial decisions too in our past. Boy, if I could go back to the double income, no mortgage, no kids days I'd do things a lot differently, and have something to show for all that expendable cash! But alas, we don't get do-overs in this lifetime, so I'll have to settle for learning from my mistakes. No use beating myself up, as I'm pretty sure the Mickey Rourke look wouldn't work for me either (Heck, it ain't working for him!!)

Event Girl said...

You are so wise!

Jennifer Worick said...

Mickey Rourke isn't a good look for anyone.

I agree. Whether or not you feel guilty or bad, you still have to go forward. Getting rid of that emotional energy suck makes a huge difference.