Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do you ever get white bumps under your eyes?

Tamara Zagurski, Esthetician at Spa Scotta, is guest blogging today:

If you're plagued by small white bumps under your eyes that look like whiteheads, chances are they are actually milia. Milia have a thin layer of skin that grows over them, making them hard like a cyst and difficult to remove unlike a whitehead that would rupture and go away. They result when the skin is unable to naturally exfoliate itself, trapping dead skin. Milia are usually the result of using skin care products around the eye area that are too rich for the thinner skin and tinier pores.
This is why there are treatments formulated specifically for the eye area. Not removing your eye makeup is another culprit in causing milia. Many makeups are laden with oil and pore-clogging ingredients and leaving them on when you sleep allows for oil and bacteria to get trapped in the pores.
What can you do about milia? Come to Spa Scotta where we offer an extensive selection of professional eye makeup removers from Murad, Dermalogica, and Pevonia. Also, we offer non-clogging and bacterial resistant makeup from Colorescience and Jane Iredale. The best way to rid existing milia? Have them professionally extracted by our talented estheticians. Remember, it's easier to prevent milia than to get rid of them, so invest in good eye care products.

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