Thursday, July 9, 2009

Living the Dream

I was talking to my friend, Jennifer Worick, the other day and we were discussing life, as per usual. I can't remember exactly how we stumbled on this particular conversation but it was something like, " What would your life look like if your art/passion/craft/dream sustained your life?" We started to banter back and forth about what we would do if we had more money/time/energy/whatever and it suddenly hit me...THIS is what living the dream looks like. I am living the dream. I am doing exactly what I want to be doing, with exactly the people I want to be doing it with.
It's not always pretty, it's rarely very neat and tidy and linear, it exasperates me, it envigorates me, it leaves me crawling home sometimes on the verge of tears and despair, it makes me giddy with promise and opportunity. This is a hell of a ride, my hairs a mess and I think I have bugs in my teeth but as my dad used to say, that's how you can tell who's a happy rider.

1 comment:

Jennifer Worick said...

This is the post from Danielle LePorte's White Hot Truth that prompted the conversation:

Living the Dream is often a nightmare.